Industrial Services


At Mullighan Rehab, we realize the financial and emotional impact that results when someone gets hurt on the job. We work with employers, case managers, physicians, and other healthcare professionals every day to help injured employees return to work quickly and reduce the likelihood of further injury. All new patients are seen within 24 hours of their referral date, and same day appointments are also available.

Our physical therapists are experienced professionals trained to evaluate conditions and provide a personalized plan of intervention for patients. These specialized interventions include targeted exercises, manual therapy techniques, and pain control measures to address specific conditions. We take the patient’s age, daily work responsibilities, activities, and personal goals into consideration.

An on-site job analysis can be conducted to evaluate whether changes should be made to specific jobs that will decrease the potential for injury, claims, or medical expenses. Mullighan Rehab also provides training programs for employees and supervisors that are informative, fun, and relevant to the company. Our ergonomics experts will evaluate the physical demands on employees performing specific job tasks and will introduce an anti-fatigue stretching exercise program customized for the company.

Our Work Conditioning program starts with an evaluation followed by specific stretches and simulated work activities. The employee also participates in cardiovascular fitness exercises to ready them for an overall fitness program and increase their tolerance for daily activities. Every patient also receives a home exercise program developed specifically for their needs.

We will communicate frequently with employers, physicians, and case managers regarding the progress of their workers compensation patients. We believe that patient accountability and active participation maximize the effectiveness of treatment and long-term recovery; if an employee fails to keep a scheduled appointment, we notify the employer, physician, and case manager of the missed visit the same day.

Industrial Services

    • Personalized consulting services for injury prevention
    • All new evaluations scheduled within 24 hours of notification
    • Ergonomics Assessments
    • Work Conditioning
    • Back School
    • Upper Extremity School
    • Manual Therapy
    • Hand Therapy
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Licensed Physical Therapists & Athletic Trainers

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